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grow revenue by
influencing your target audience
Marketing Services

We Make Your Message Speak Loudly and

in Meaningful Terms to Drive Revenue

In today's market it's more important than ever to have a well defined target market and brand messages tailored to their specific needs.  But it doesn't stop there.  Your message has to reach your target market in a way that drives action.

We help our clients fine tune their brand and differentiate from competition.  We may start by developing an integrated marketing plan that leverages every aspect of their marketing mix, but

that's not where we finish.

 To us the end-game is execution and driving revenue!

Drive Revenue with our Marketing Services



Keep your message infront of your target audience and influence purchase decisions



Integrate a complete arsenal of marketing tools and techniques to reach your target market



Maximize your content marketing return on investment and capture more customers



Expand your digital footprint and build relationships with more potential customers


77% of B2B marketers rank content marketing as essential, although only 36% say they are effective at content marketing

Email Marketing


91% of consumers check their email daily.  According to HubSpot, 76% of marketers today say they use email more now than they did three years ago.  A study by Custora, predictive analytics firm, reported that customer acquisition via email has quadrupled in the last 4 years.


Despite the popularity of Facebook, Twitter and the like, email marketing continues to play a critical roll in successful marketing strategies. Just think about it.  There are over three times (3X) more email accounts that there are Facebook and Twitter combined.


Part of the reason is that while social media is in some cases good for customer exposure,  email marketing is in all cases the most cost effective solution for customer acquisition.


Email marketing is far from being dead.  Marketers consistently rank email as the single most effective tactic for customer awareness, acquisition, conversion, and retention. 

Strategy & Tactics

Database Management

List Segmentation


Graphic Design

Custom Templates

Content Development




72% people prefer to receive promotional content through email, compared to 17% who prefer social media. 


Demand Generation Campaigns

Successful email marketing is more that grabbing your email addresses, blasting out an email and waiting for the phone to ring. There's a lot more to effective email marketing.

Whether the objective is nurturing prospects, filling a sales pipeline with leads, or building market awareness, our email services are based on a campaign approach.  We start with a collaborate process to define the campaign scope and objectives to create a series of story/action based targeted emails.


Then we fill in all the campaign pieces from messaging, design and content development to segmentation, targeting and multi-channel, multi-device delivery.

Relying on best-email practices, we'll help you get better results from your email marketing program 

Email is 40 times more effective at acquiring new customers than Facebook or Twitter.

 McKinsey & Company

Comprehensive Email Services

We offer comprehensive email services to meet all your needs. We'll help evaluate if email marketing

will be effective for you, and if so, how best to design a program to support your brand and meet your objectives. We'll contribute ideas, create design and content, and even provide distribution services. From filling in gaps where you need extra help, to complete agency services, we have you covered.




We'll help you figure out if email marketing is right for you before making an investment

Jump Start



If you're new to email marketing, we'll build a foundation to get you started fast




We'll show you to take control of your email program and become independent


Agency Services


You can outsource your entire email marketing program to free up your time




If you need help with your email marketing program you'll always have trusted resources


email is the king of the marketing kingdom with an ROI of $38 for every $1 spent

Integrated Campaigns


Whether the objective is market awareness or customer acquisition, effective marketing maps the right message to the right target audience, at the right time. But it's not an event; it's a process. Effective marketing programs reach the target audience by leveraging multiple touch points and multiple channels.  


We understand that and think detailed planning and use of multi-media, multi-channel approaches, including social media, yield high returns. That's why we have become experts in designing and rolling-out integrated marketing campaigns. 

Campaigns from Concept to Results

We don’t rely on cookie-cutter approaches. We use every ounce of creativity and experience to design the most effective campaign.


We synchronize every campaign component and build each unique campaign element from messaging assets and collateral to scripts.


We’ll help with hands-on execution and provide control mechanisms to monitor campaign effectiveness and provide in-flight enhancements.

Message Delivery and Sequencing

Successful marketing campaigns don't just deliver a consistent message over a predefined period of time to a specific market. They deliver multiple value-based messages tailored to specific buyer personas using varied outreach media and personalized touch.  


Successful campaigns are guided by targeted demographic and behavioral criteria. Campaign design, timing sequences, and delivery channels are crucial factors in actually reaching and influencing buyers. 

Integrated marketing campaigns take all this into consideration requiring creativity to develop meaningful themes, time message delivery and leverage the most effective touch points.

The Benefits

Integrated campaigns built on consistent brand messaging are more effective for many reasons. In addition to solidifying your brand, integrated campaigns provide increased coverage and exposure to effectively reach a broader target market.   

Integrated campaigns provide the flexibility to tailor and adapt core messages in a way that facilitates consistent communications utilizing multiple touch points and multi-media throughout the buying journey. Used correctly, integrated campaigns seamlessly connect lead generation with customer acquisition.


The Moving Parts of an Integrated Campaign


For maximum impact, we integrate our content, digital, and email marketing programs with our sales enablement programs to provide a complete arsenal of tools and techniques.  We strike a balance between in-bound and out-bound tactics to maximize campaign effectiveness. Using customized templates, content, and scripts, we enable proactive follow-up to campaigns accelerating the opening of meaningful sales conversations.

Integrated Campaigns.png


Don't get caught in the inbound marketing trap. Watch the video to see how you can make inbound marketing work better.

Lead management campaigns integrating multiple digital channels out perform single-channel campaigns by 300%
Gartner Research


Marketing Automation

When it comes to acquiring customers, the place to start is with a well-defined marketing plan that identifies your target audiences, creates compelling content and offers, and leverages integrated marketing campaigns to increase interest and fortify your brand. However, finishing strong depends on precision execution.


That's where marketing automation comes in. Execution. We'll help you evaluate if marketing automation would be a worthwhile investment based on your particular situation. If it is, we'll help you select the right tools and even get you started. We can even be hands-on and help you in the day-to-day execution.


We don't sell marketing automation technology, we do help you make marketing automation work!

Develop and engage more customers at every stage of their buying cycle

Digital marketing is no longer a nice to have. In the world of modern marketing, it's a must have. Marketing automation is a way to get the most out of your digital marketing efforts.


Inbound Marketing   |   Outbound Marketing   |   Lead Nurturing   |   Lead Scoring

List Management   |   A/B Testing   |   Website Tracking   |   CRM Integration

Mobile   |   Analytics 

4 Marketing Automation Must Haves

Marketing automation is a technology-based engine that increases the efficiency of content distribution. But without the correct fuel, that efficiency will only get you no where faster.


That's why we provide the four marketing automation 'must haves' necessary to achieve

desired results and a positive payback.



We dive into every aspect of your go to market program including buyer personas and competitive landscape.  The outcome is a marketing automation strategy and tactics that increase quality and revenue.


We start with a custom lead acquisition model, design effective demand generation workflows, integrate sales and marketing, and end up with a straightforward lead-to-revenue process.




Content is the fuel that drives successful demand generation programs.  We ensure that content is relevant to the target audience and is aligned with the buying cycle.  We'll design and develop it or assist your team.


​We'll help match the best technology solution to the requirement in the most affordable way.  Already have a marketing automation platform or tools?  No problem, we'll help you get better results out of what you have.



The most important strategic goals of a marketing automation strategy are increasing lead generation (61%), lead nurturing (57%) and sales revenue (47%). 

Digital & Social


With the power of the internet only a click away, digital media and social channels have become pervasive.  So pervasive, buyers are no longer dependant on companies to directly provide them the information they need to research products and services or make purchase decisions.


The fact is, over 75% of the buyers' journey is completed before they contact a company. Furthermore, buyers are more likely to believe third party sources, friends and peers than they are the companies providing them information.


That's why we help companies strengthen their digital image.


Video is a must have component in any marketing program.  Use video to bring your message to life and capture more attention and interest in crowded markets  more

Digital and Social Media Services

Regardless of the channel used, digital and social social media should be part of a comprehensive communication strategy, rather than being the strategy. 


The starting place for effective digital and social media marketing is content. Content that is engaging, relevant, and has value to the target audience. Interestingly, we do that for our clients.

click here for more on content development

  Strategy   |   Reputation Management   |   Analytics
We integrate digital and social channels into your marketing programs to increase exposure and influence a larger target audience.









Email Campaigns



83% of all marketers actively pursue social media marketing initiatives.                                               

                                                                      Aberdeen, 2016

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